17-53-307. County purchasing agent -- Appointment -- Compensation -- Oath --Duties. (1) The county executive, with the advice and consent of the county legislative body, ineach county having a taxable value in excess of $500,000,000 may appoint a county purchasingagent.
(2) The agent shall qualify by taking, subscribing, and filing the constitutional oath andgiving bond to the county in a sum fixed by the county legislative body.
(3) The county purchasing agent shall, under the direction and supervision of the countyexecutive:
(a) negotiate for the purchase of or contract for all supplies and materials required by thecounty;
(b) submit all contracts and purchases negotiated by the purchasing agent underSubsection (3)(a) to the county executive for approval and ratification; and
(c) keep an accurate and complete record of all purchases and a detailed disposition ofthem and, when required by the county legislative body, make a complete and detailed report to itof business transacted.
(4) The county executive may exclude from the purchasing agent's responsibility a countyclerk's duties concerning elections or a sheriff's duties under Section
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 133, 2000 General Session