17-53-310. Changes or alterations in contract -- Liability of county. (1) If the county executive enters into a contract for the construction, alteration, or repairof any public building or other public structure, the contract may be altered or changed only if thealteration or change is within the general scope of the contract.
(2) If a change or alteration in the contract is made:
(a) the particular change or alteration shall be specified in writing; and
(b) the increase or decrease in cost due to the change or alteration shall be established bythe county executive according to either the provisions of the contract or established principles ofthe construction industry.
(3) (a) The county executive may adopt policies and procedures to delegate authority forapproval of changes or alterations in the contract to a county employee, including the countyengineer, architect, surveyor, or director of the department or division responsible for the work.
(b) Unless the requirements of this section are met, the county is not liable for any extrawork done on the buildings or public structures.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 133, 2000 General Session