17-53-311. Contracting for management, maintenance, operation, or constructionof jails. (1) (a) With the approval of the sheriff, a county executive may contract with privatecontractors for management, maintenance, operation, and construction of county jails.
(b) A county executive may include a provision in the contract that allows use of abuilding authority created under the provisions of Title 17D, Chapter 2, Local Building AuthorityAct, to construct or acquire a jail facility.
(c) A county executive may include a provision in the contract that requires that any jailfacility meet any federal, state, or local standards for the construction of jails.
(2) If a county executive contracts only for the management, maintenance, or operationof a jail, the county executive shall include provisions in the contract that:
(a) require the private contractor to post a performance bond in the amount set by thecounty legislative body;
(b) establish training standards that must be met by jail personnel;
(c) require the private contractor to provide and fund training for jail personnel so thatthe personnel meet the standards established in the contract and any other federal, state, or localstandards for the operation of jails and the treatment of jail prisoners;
(d) require the private contractor to indemnify the county for errors, omissions,defalcations, and other activities committed by the private contractor that result in liability to thecounty;
(e) require the private contractor to show evidence of liability insurance protecting thecounty and its officers, employees, and agents from liability arising from the construction,operation, or maintenance of the jail, in an amount not less than those specified in Title 63G,Chapter 7, Governmental Immunity Act of Utah;
(f) require the private contractor to:
(i) receive all prisoners committed to the jail by competent authority; and
(ii) provide them with necessary food, clothing, and bedding in the manner prescribed bythe governing body; and
(g) prohibit the use of inmates by the private contractor for private business purposes ofany kind.
(3) A contractual provision requiring the private contractor to maintain liability insurancein an amount not less than the liability limits established by Title 63G, Chapter 7, GovernmentalImmunity Act of Utah, may not be construed as waiving the limitation on damages recoverablefrom a governmental entity or its employees established by that chapter.
Amended by Chapter 360, 2008 General Session
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session