17-53-312. County resource development committee -- Membership -- Term --Compensation and expenses -- Duties. (1) (a) A county executive may, with the advice and consent of the county legislativebody, appoint a county resource development committee of three or more members, at least oneof which shall be a member of the county legislative body.
(b) Each member of a county resource development committee shall be a resident of thecounty.
(2) (a) The term of each member of a county resource development committee shall betwo years and until a successor has been appointed.
(b) The legislative body of each county with a county resource development committeeshall provide by ordinance for the filling of a vacancy in the membership of the committee and forthe removal of a member for nonperformance of duty or misconduct.
(3) (a) Each member shall serve without compensation.
(b) The county legislative body may reimburse a member for actual expenses incurred inperforming the member's duties and responsibilities on the committee, upon presentation ofproper receipts and vouchers.
(4) The committee may elect such officers from its members as it considers appropriateand may, with the consent and approval of the county legislative body, employ an executivedirector for the committee.
(5) The committee shall:
(a) assist in promoting the development of the county's mineral, water, manpower,industrial, historical, cultural, and other resources; and
(b) make such recommendations to the county for resource development as the committeeconsiders advisable.
(6) The county executive may cooperate and enter into contracts with municipalities,local communities, other counties, and the state for the purpose of promoting the development ofthe economic, historical, and cultural resources of the county.
Enacted by Chapter 133, 2000 General Session