17B-2a-205. Additional drainage district powers. In addition to the powers conferred on a drainage district under Section
17B-1-103, adrainage district may:
(1) enter upon land for the purpose of examining the land or making a survey;
(2) locate a necessary drainage canal with any necessary branches on land that thedistrict's board of trustees considers best;
(3) issue bonds as provided in and subject to Chapter 1, Part 11, Local District Bonds, tocarry out the purposes of the district;
(4) after the payment or tender of compensation allowed, go upon land to constructproposed works, and thereafter enter upon that land to maintain or repair the works;
(5) appropriate water for useful and beneficial purposes;
(6) regulate and control, for the benefit of landholders within the district, all waterdeveloped, appropriated, or owned by the district;
(7) appropriate, use, purchase, develop, sell, and convey water and water rights in thesame manner and for the same use and purposes as a private person;
(8) widen, straighten, deepen, enlarge, or remove any obstruction or rubbish from anywatercourse, whether inside or outside the district; and
(9) if necessary, straighten a watercourse by cutting a new channel upon land not alreadycontaining the watercourse, subject to the landowner receiving compensation for the landoccupied by the new channel and for any damages, as provided under the law of eminent domain.
Enacted by Chapter 329, 2007 General Session