17B-2a-209. State land treated the same as private land -- Consent needed to affectschool and institutional trust land -- Owner of state land has same rights as owner ofprivate land. (1) Subject to Subsection (2), a drainage district may treat state land the same as privateland with respect to the drainage of land for agricultural purposes.
(2) A drainage district may not affect school or institutional trust land under this part orChapter 1, Provisions Applicable to All Local Districts, without the consent of the director of theSchool and Institutional Trust Lands Administration acting in accordance with Sections
53C-1-102 and
(3) The state and each person holding unpatented state land under entries or contracts ofpurchase from the state have all the rights, privileges, and benefits under this part and Chapter 1,Provisions Applicable to All Local Districts, that a private owner of that land would have.
Enacted by Chapter 329, 2007 General Session