17B-2a-603. Additional metropolitan water district powers. In addition to the powers conferred on a metropolitan water district under Section
17B-1-103, a metropolitan water district may:
(1) acquire or lease any real or personal property or acquire any interest in real orpersonal property, as provided in Subsections
17B-1-103(2)(a) and (b), whether inside or outsidethe district or inside or outside the state;
(2) encumber real or personal property or an interest in real or personal property that thedistrict owns;
(3) acquire or construct works, facilities, and improvements, as provided in Subsection
17B-1-103(2)(d), whether inside or outside the district or inside or outside the state;
(4) acquire water, works, water rights, and sources of water necessary or convenient tothe full exercise of the district's powers, whether the water, works, water rights, or sources ofwater are inside or outside the district or inside or outside the state, and encumber, transfer aninterest in, or dispose of water, works, water rights, and sources of water;
(5) develop, store, and transport water;
(6) provide, sell, lease, and deliver water inside or outside the district for any lawfulbeneficial use;
(7) issue bonds as provided in and subject to Chapter 1, Part 11, Local District Bonds, tocarry out the purposes of the district; and
(8) subscribe for, purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire stock in a canal company,irrigation company, water company, or water users association, for the purpose of acquiring theright to use water or water infrastructure.
Enacted by Chapter 329, 2007 General Session