17B-2a-605. Preferential rights of cities. (1) Each city whose area is within a metropolitan water district and that provides wateron a retail level within the district has a preferential right to purchase from the district a portionof the water served by the district.
(2) Except as otherwise provided by contract between a metropolitan water district andthe city, the percentage of the total district water supply that a city has a preferential right topurchase under Subsection (1) is the same percentage as the total amount of taxes levied by thedistrict against property within the city's retail water service area is of the total of all taxes leviedby the district against all property within the district.
(3) (a) Nothing in this section may be construed to limit the ability of a metropolitanwater district to establish preferential rights by contract with a city that has preferential rightsunder this section.
(b) Each agreement described in Subsection (3)(a) entered into before April 30, 2007 isratified, validated, and confirmed.
Enacted by Chapter 329, 2007 General Session