17B-2a-703. Additional mosquito abatement district powers. In addition to the powers conferred on a mosquito abatement district under Section
17B-1-103, a mosquito abatement district may:
(1) take all necessary and proper steps for the extermination of mosquitos, flies, crickets,grasshoppers, and other insects:
(a) within the district; or
(b) outside the district, if lands inside the district are benefitted;
(2) abate as nuisances all stagnant pools of water and other breeding places formosquitos, flies, crickets, grasshoppers, or other insects anywhere inside or outside the state fromwhich mosquitos migrate into the district;
(3) enter upon territory referred to in Subsections (1) and (2) in order to inspect andexamine the territory and to remove from the territory, without notice, stagnant water or otherbreeding places for mosquitos, flies, crickets, grasshoppers, or other insects;
(4) issue bonds as provided in and subject to Chapter 1, Part 11, Local District Bonds, tocarry out the purposes of the district;
(5) make a contract to indemnify or compensate an owner of land or other property forinjury or damage necessarily caused by the exercise of district powers or arising out of the use,taking, or damage of property for a district purpose; and
(6) establish a reserve fund, not to exceed the greater of 25% of the district's annualoperating budget and $50,000, to pay for extraordinary abatement measures, including avector-borne public health emergency.
Enacted by Chapter 329, 2007 General Session