17B-2a-805. Limitations on authority of a public transit district. (1) A public transit district may not exercise control over a transit facility owned oroperated inside or outside the district by a governmental entity unless, upon mutually agreeableterms, the governmental entity consents.
(2) (a) A public transit district may not establish, directly or indirectly, a public transitservice or system, or acquire a facility necessary or incidental to a public transit service orsystem, in a manner or form that diverts, lessens, or competes for the patronage or revenue of apreexisting system of a publicly or privately owned public carrier furnishing like service, unlessthe district obtains the consent of the publicly or privately owned carrier.
(b) A public transit district's maintenance and operation of an existing system that thedistrict acquires from a publicly or privately owned public carrier may not be considered to be theestablishment of a public transit service or system under this Subsection (2).
Enacted by Chapter 329, 2007 General Session