17C-1-303. Summary of sale or other disposition of agency property -- Publicationof summary. (1) Upon the agency's sale, conveyance, grant, or other disposition of real property, theagency shall prepare a summary of the material provisions of the disposition.
(2) Each summary under Subsection (1) shall be a matter of public record.
(3) The agency shall, no later than one month after the day that the disposition isconcluded:
(a) post each summary under Subsection (1) on the Utah Public Notice Websitedescribed in Section
63F-1-701; and
(b) (i) publish each summary under Subsection (1) at least once in a newspaper ofgeneral circulation in the agency's boundaries; or
(ii) if there is no newspaper of general circulation, post the summary in threeconspicuous places within the agency's boundaries.
Amended by Chapter 279, 2010 General Session