17C-1-603. Agency report. (1) (a) On or before November 1 of each year, each agency shall prepare and file a reportwith the county auditor, the State Tax Commission, the State Board of Education, and eachtaxing entity that levies a tax on property from which the agency collects tax increment.
(b) The requirement of Subsection (1)(a) to file a copy of the report with the state as ataxing entity is met if the agency files a copy with the State Tax Commission and the stateauditor.
(2) Each report under Subsection (1) shall contain:
(a) an estimate of the tax increment to be paid to the agency for the calendar year endingDecember 31; and
(b) an estimate of the tax increment to be paid to the agency for the calendar yearbeginning the next January 1.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 359, 2006 General Session