17C-3-105. Board resolution approving an economic development project areaplan -- Requirements. Each board resolution approving a draft economic development project area plan as theproject area plan under Subsection
17C-3-102(1)(g) shall contain:
(1) a legal description of the boundaries of the project area that is the subject of theproject area plan;
(2) the agency's purposes and intent with respect to the project area;
(3) the project area plan incorporated by reference; and
(4) the board findings and determinations that:
(a) there is a need to effectuate a public purpose;
(b) there is a public benefit under the analysis described in Subsection
(c) it is economically sound and feasible to adopt and carry out the project area plan;
(d) the project area plan conforms to the community's general plan; and
(e) carrying out the project area plan will promote the public peace, health, safety, andwelfare of the community in which the project area is located.
Enacted by Chapter 359, 2006 General Session