17C-3-202. Part of tax increment funds in an economic development project areabudget to be used for housing -- Waiver of requirement. (1) This section applies only to an economic development project area budget adopted onor after May 1, 2000, but before March 30, 2009.
(2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), each economic development project areabudget adopted on or after May 1, 2000 but before March 30, 2009 that provides for more than$100,000 of annual tax increment to be paid to the agency shall allocate at least 20% of the taxincrement for housing as provided in Section
(b) The 20% requirement of Subsection (2)(a) may be waived:
(i) in part or whole by the mutual consent of the loan fund board and the taxing entitycommittee if they determine that 20% of tax increment is more than is needed to address thecommunity's need for income targeted housing; or
(ii) in fifth and sixth class counties, by the taxing entity committee for economicdevelopment project area budgets adopted on or after May 1, 2002 but before March 30, 2009, ifthe economic development project area consists of an area without housing units.
(3) An economic development project area budget not required under Subsection (2)(a)to allocate tax increment for housing may allocate 20% of tax increment payable to the agencyover the life of the project area for housing as provided in Section
17C-1-412 if the project areabudget is under a project area plan that is adopted on or after July 1, 1998.
Amended by Chapter 387, 2009 General Session