17D-1-201. Services that a special service district may be created to provide. As provided in this part, a county or municipality may create a special service district toprovide any combination of the following services:
(1) water;
(2) sewerage;
(3) drainage;
(4) flood control;
(5) garbage collection and disposal;
(6) health care;
(7) transportation, including the receipt of federal secure rural school funds underSection
51-9-603 for the purposes of constructing, improving, repairing, or maintaining publicroads;
(8) recreation;
(9) fire protection, including:
(a) emergency medical services, ambulance services, and search and rescue services, iffire protection service is also provided;
(b) Firewise Communities programs and the development of community wildfireprotection plans; and
(c) the receipt of federal secure rural school funds as provided under Section
51-9-603for the purposes of carrying out Firewise Communities programs, developing communitywildfire protection plans, and performing emergency services, including firefighting on federalland and other services authorized under this Subsection (9);
(10) providing, operating, and maintaining correctional and rehabilitative facilities andprograms for municipal, state, and other detainees and prisoners;
(11) street lighting;
(12) consolidated 911 and emergency dispatch;
(13) animal shelter and control;
(14) receiving federal mineral lease funds under Title 59, Chapter 21, Mineral LeaseFunds, and expending those funds to provide construction and maintenance of public facilities,traditional governmental services, and planning, as a means for mitigating impacts fromextractive mineral industries; and
(15) in a county of the first class, extended police protection.
Amended by Chapter 4, 2009 Special Session 1