17D-2-601. Publishing notice of local entity or local building authority resolutionor other proceeding. (1) The governing body of a local entity or the authority board of a local buildingauthority may provide for the publication of a resolution or other proceeding adopted under thischapter by the governing body or authority board, respectively:
(a) in a newspaper of general circulation in the local entity; and
(b) as required in Section
(2) (a) If the resolution or other proceeding provides for the local building authority'sissuance of bonds, the authority board may, in lieu of publishing the entire resolution or otherproceeding, publish a notice of the bonds to be issued.
(b) Each notice under Subsection (2)(a) shall comply with the requirements ofSubsection
(c) The authority board of a local building authority publishing a notice under Subsection(2)(a) shall make a copy of the resolution or other proceeding authorizing the issuance of thelocal building authority bonds available for public inspection during regular business hours at theoffice of the local building authority for a period of at least 30 days after publication of thenotice.
Amended by Chapter 388, 2009 General Session