17D-3-202. Petition to create conservation district -- Petition or commission motionto consolidate, divide, or dissolve conservation districts -- Petition requirements. (1) A petition to create a conservation district, to consolidate two or more existingconservation districts, or to divide or dissolve an existing conservation district may be filed by 25or more land occupiers residing within:
(a) for the proposed creation of a conservation district, the area included within theproposed conservation district;
(b) for the proposed consolidation of existing conservation districts, the area includedwithin the conservation districts proposed to be consolidated; or
(c) for the proposed division or dissolution of an existing conservation district, the areaincluded within the conservation district proposed to be divided or dissolved.
(2) Each petition under Subsection (1) shall be:
(a) in the form that the commission prescribes; and
(b) filed with the commission.
Enacted by Chapter 360, 2008 General Session