17D-3-302. Board of supervisors members to be elected -- Candidates nominatedby nominating committee or petition -- Candidate qualifications. (1) As provided in this part, each member of a board of supervisors of a conservationdistrict shall be elected at large within the conservation district from candidates nominated by:
(a) a nominating committee consisting of:
(i) the chair of the commission or council of the county in which the conservation districtis located;
(ii) the chair of the USDA Farm Service Agency Committee of the county in which theconservation district is located;
(iii) (A) the chair of the board of supervisors of the conservation district; or
(B) the chair's designee, if the chair wishes to be a candidate for reelection;
(iv) the agricultural extension service designated representative of the county in whichthe conservation district is located; or
(b) petition under Section
(2) Each candidate for election to the board of supervisors of a conservation district shallbe:
(a) at least 18 years of age; and
(b) a resident within the conservation district.
Enacted by Chapter 360, 2008 General Session