17D-3-309. Election of board of supervisors members -- Ballots -- Commissionduties regarding elections -- Election expenses. (1) The commission and department shall conduct by mail each election of members ofthe board of supervisors of a conservation district.
(2) (a) No later than five days before the date set for the election of board of supervisorsmembers, the commission shall mail a ballot to each person listed on the supervisor's electionmailing list under Section
(b) Each ballot shall:
(i) contain:
(A) the names of all nominees for board of supervisors members, listed in alphabeticalorder according to last name;
(B) a place for the voter to indicate the person or persons for whom the voter is voting;and
(C) instructions to the voter on how to mark the ballot to indicate the voter's vote; and
(ii) specify the date after which the ballot will not be accepted for purposes of theelection.
(3) The candidates equal in number to the number of board of supervisors positionsavailable and receiving the highest number of votes are elected as members of the board ofsupervisors and take office on the date set by the commission for their terms to begin.
(4) The commission shall:
(a) determine all questions of voter eligibility;
(b) certify the count and tally of ballots and votes cast; and
(c) declare and certify each board of supervisors member elected.
(5) The department shall pay all expenses incident to an election of board of supervisorsmembers.
Enacted by Chapter 360, 2008 General Session