19-1-108. Creation of Environmental Quality Restricted Account -- Purpose ofrestricted account -- Sources of funds -- Uses of funds. (1) There is created the Environmental Quality Restricted Account.
(2) The sources of money for the restricted account are:
(a) radioactive waste disposal fees collected under Sections
19-3-106 and
19-3-106.4 andother fees collected under Subsection
(b) hazardous waste disposal fees collected under Section
(c) PCB waste disposal fees collected under Section
(d) nonhazardous solid waste disposal fees collected under Section
19-6-119; and
(e) the investment income derived from money in the Environmental Quality RestrictedAccount.
(3) In each fiscal year, the first $400,000 collected from the waste disposal fees listed inSubsection (2), collectively, shall be deposited in the General Fund as free revenue. The balanceshall be deposited in the Environmental Quality Restricted Account.
(4) The Legislature may annually appropriate money from the Environmental QualityRestricted Account to:
(a) the department for the costs of administering radiation control programs;
(b) the department for the costs of administering solid and hazardous waste programs;and
(c) subject to Subsection (5), the Hazardous Substances Mitigation Fund, up to $400,000,to provide money to:
(i) meet the state's cost share requirements for cleanup under the ComprehensiveEnvironmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 9601 et seq.as amended; and
(ii) respond to an emergency as provided in Section
(5) An annual request for money to be appropriated from the Environmental QualityRestricted Account to the Hazardous Substances Mitigation Fund may be made by thedepartment only after the executive director's review of the Environmental Quality RestrictedAccount's or the Hazardous Substances Mitigation Fund's balance as of the end of the fiscal yearimmediately before the general session for which the request is made.
(6) In order to stabilize funding for the radiation control program and the solid andhazardous waste program, the Legislature shall in years of excess revenues reserve in theEnvironmental Quality Restricted Account sufficient money to meet departmental needs in yearsof projected shortages.
(7) The Legislature may not appropriate money from the General Fund to the departmentas a supplemental appropriation to cover the costs of the radiation control program and the solidand hazardous waste program in an amount exceeding 25% of the amount of waste disposal feescollected during the most recent prior fiscal year.
(8) Money appropriated under this part that is not expended at the end of the fiscal yearlapses into the Environmental Quality Restricted Account.
(9) (a) The balance in the Environmental Quality Restricted Account may not exceed$4,000,000 above the anticipated revenue need for the money in the restricted account for thefiscal year.
(b) Excess funds under Subsection (9)(a) shall be credited on a proportionate basis toeach person who paid money to the fund in the previous fiscal year.
Amended by Chapter 17, 2010 General Session