19-1-402. Definitions. As used in this part:
(1) "Clean fuel" means:
(a) propane, natural gas, or electricity;
(b) other fuel the Air Quality Board certifies, as authorized by Subsection
19-1-405(1)(d), to be at least as effective in reducing air pollution as fuels under Subsection(1)(a); or
(c) other fuel that meets the clean fuel vehicle standards in the federal Clean Air ActAmendments of 1990, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 7521 et seq.
(2) "Clean fuel vehicle" means a vehicle that:
(a) uses a clean fuel; and
(b) meets clean fuel vehicle standards in the federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990,42 U.S.C. Sec. 7521 et seq.
(3) "Electric-hybrid vehicle" means a vehicle:
(a) primarily powered by an electric motor that draws current from:
(i) rechargeable storage batteries;
(ii) fuel cells; or
(iii) other sources of electric current; and
(b) also operates on or is capable of operating on a nonelectrical source of power.
(4) "Fuel system" means tanks, pumps, hoses, injectors, electronic controls, and relatedcomponents that deliver fuel or energy or both to a motor used to propel a vehicle.
(5) "Fund" means the Clean Fuels and Vehicle Technology Fund created in Section
(6) (a) "Government vehicle" means a motor vehicle:
(i) registered in Utah; and
(ii) owned and operated by:
(A) the state;
(B) a public trust authority;
(C) a school district;
(D) a county; or
(E) a municipality.
(b) "Government vehicle" includes a metropolitan rapid transit motor vehicle, bus, truck,law enforcement vehicle, or emergency vehicle.
(7) "Incremental cost" means the difference between the cost of the OEM vehicle and thesame vehicle model manufactured without the clean fuel fueling system.
(8) "OEM vehicle" means a vehicle manufactured by the original vehicle manufacturer orits contractor to use a clean fuel.
(9) "Private sector business vehicle" means a motor vehicle registered in Utah that isowned and operated solely in the conduct of a private business enterprise.
(10) "Refueling equipment" means compressors when used separately, compressors usedin combination with cascade tanks, and other equipment that constitute a central refueling systemcapable of dispensing vehicle fuel.
(11) "Retrofit" means conversion or augmentation of an existing motor, fuel system,exhaust system, or related components to systems that lead to a reduction in air pollution.
Amended by Chapter 136, 2006 General Session