19-2-110. Violations -- Notice to violator -- Corrective action orders -- Conference,conciliation, and persuasion by board -- Hearings. (1) (a) Whenever the executive secretary has reason to believe that a violation of anyprovision of this chapter or any rule issued under it has occurred, he may serve written notice ofthe violation upon the alleged violator. The notice shall specify the provision of this chapter orrule alleged to be violated, the facts alleged to constitute the violation, and may include an orderthat necessary corrective action be taken within a reasonable time.
(b) In lieu of beginning an adjudicative proceeding under Subsection (1)(a), the boardmay initiate an action pursuant to Section
(2) Nothing in this chapter prevents the board from making efforts to obtain voluntarycompliance through warning, conference, conciliation, persuasion, or other appropriate means.
(3) Hearings may be held before an administrative law judge as provided by Section
Amended by Chapter 377, 2009 General Session