19-2-114. Activities not in violation of chapter or rules. The following are not a violation of this chapter or of any rules made under it:
(1) burning incident to horticultural or agricultural operations of:
(a) prunings from trees, bushes, and plants; or
(b) dead or diseased trees, bushes, and plants, including stubble;
(2) burning of weed growth along ditch banks incident to clearing these ditches forirrigation purposes;
(3) controlled heating of orchards or other crops to lessen the chances of their beingfrozen so long as the emissions from this heating do not violate minimum standards set by theboard; and
(4) the controlled burning of not more than two structures per year by an organized andoperating fire department for the purpose of training fire service personnel when the United StatesWeather Service clearing index is above 500.
Amended by Chapter 86, 1991 General Session