19-3-102. Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Board" means the Radiation Control Board created under Section
(2) (a) "Broker" means a person who performs one or more of the following functions fora generator:
(i) arranges for transportation of the radioactive waste;
(ii) collects or consolidates shipments of radioactive waste; or
(iii) processes radioactive waste in some manner.
(b) "Broker" does not include a carrier whose sole function is to transport the radioactivewaste.
(3) "Byproduct material" has the same meaning as in 42 U.S.C. Sec. 2014(e)(2).
(4) "Class B and class C low-level radioactive waste" has the same meaning as in 10CFR 61.55.
(5) "Executive secretary" means the executive secretary of the board.
(6) "Generator" means a person who:
(a) possesses any material or component:
(i) that contains radioactivity or is radioactively contaminated; and
(ii) for which the person foresees no further use; and
(b) transfers the material or component to:
(i) a commercial radioactive waste treatment or disposal facility; or
(ii) a broker.
(7) (a) "High-level nuclear waste" means spent reactor fuel assemblies, dismantlednuclear reactor components, and solid and liquid wastes from fuel reprocessing anddefense-related wastes.
(b) "High-level nuclear waste" does not include medical or institutional wastes,naturally-occurring radioactive materials, or uranium mill tailings.
(8) (a) "Low-level radioactive waste" means waste material which contains radioactivenuclides emitting primarily beta or gamma radiation, or both, in concentrations or quantitieswhich exceed applicable federal or state standards for unrestricted release.
(b) "Low-level radioactive waste" does not include waste containing more than 100nanocuries of transuranic contaminants per gram of material, nor spent reactor fuel, nor materialclassified as either high-level waste or waste which is unsuited for disposal by near-surface burialunder any applicable federal regulations.
(9) "Radiation" means ionizing and nonionizing radiation, including gamma rays, X-rays,alpha and beta particles, high speed electrons, and other nuclear particles.
(10) "Radioactive" means any solid, liquid, or gas which emits radiation spontaneouslyfrom decay of unstable nuclei.
Amended by Chapter 314, 2001 General Session