19-3-202. Practices of party states regarding low-level waste shipments -- Fees forinspections. (1) Each party state agrees to adopt practices which will require low-level wasteshipments originating within its borders and destined for a facility within another party state toconform to the applicable packaging and transportation requirements and regulations of the hoststate including:
(a) maintaining an inventory of all generators within the state that have shipped or expectto ship low-level waste to facilities in another party state;
(b) periodic unannounced inspection of the premises of the generators and the wastemanagement activities on the premises;
(c) authorization of the containers in which the waste may be shipped, and a requirementthat generators use only the type of containers authorized by the state;
(d) assurance that inspections of the carriers which transport the waste are conducted byproper authorities, and appropriate enforcement action taken for violations; and
(e) after receiving notification from a host state that a generator within the party state is inviolation of applicable packaging or transportation standards, taking appropriate action to assurethat the violations do not recur including the inspection of every individual low-level wasteshipment by that generator.
(2) Each party state may impose fees upon generators and shippers to recover the cost ofthe inspections and other practices under this compact.
(3) Nothing in this section limits any party state's authority to impose additional or morestringent standards on generators or carriers than those required under this section.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 112, 1991 General Session