19-3-303. Definitions. As used in this part:
(1) "Final judgment" means a final ruling or judgment, including any supporting opinion,that determines the rights of the parties and concerning which all appellate remedies have beenexhausted or the time for appeal has expired.
(2) "Goods" means any materials or supplies, whether raw, processed, or manufactured.
(3) "Greater than class C radioactive waste" means low-level radioactive waste that hashigher concentrations of specific radionuclides than allowed for class C waste.
(4) "Gross value of the contract" means the totality of the consideration received for anygoods, services, or municipal-type services delivered or rendered in the state without anydeduction for expense paid or accrued with respect to it.
(5) "High-level nuclear waste" has the same meaning as in Section
(6) "Municipal-type services" includes, but is not limited to:
(a) fire protection service;
(b) waste and garbage collection and disposal;
(c) planning and zoning;
(d) street lighting;
(e) life support and paramedic services;
(f) water;
(g) sewer;
(h) electricity;
(i) natural gas or other fuel; or
(j) law enforcement.
(7) "Organization" means a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, limitedliability partnership, joint venture, consortium, association, trust, or other entity formed toundertake an enterprise, whether or not for profit.
(8) "Placement" means transportation, transfer, storage, decay in storage, treatment, ordisposal.
(9) "Political subdivision" means any county, city, town, school district, public transitdistrict, redevelopment agency, special improvement or taxing district, or other governmentalsubdivision or public corporation.
(10) "Rule" means a rule made by the department under Title 63G, Chapter 3, UtahAdministrative Rulemaking Act.
(11) "Service" or "services" means any work or governmental program which provides abenefit.
(12) "Storage facility" means any facility which stores, holds, or otherwise provides forthe emplacement of waste regardless of the intent to recover that waste for subsequent use,processing, or disposal.
(13) "Transfer facility" means any facility which transfers waste from and betweentransportation modes, vehicles, cars, or other units, and includes rail terminals and intermodaltransfer points.
(14) "Waste" or "wastes" means high-level nuclear waste and greater than class Cradioactive waste.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session