19-3-308. Application fee and annual fees. (1) (a) Any application for a waste transfer, storage, decay in storage, treatment, ordisposal facility shall be accompanied by an initial fee of $5,000,000.
(b) The applicant shall subsequently pay an additional fee to cover the costs to the stateassociated with review of the application, including costs to the state and the state's contractorsfor permitting, technical, administrative, legal, safety, and emergency response reviews,planning, training, infrastructure, and other impact analyses, studies, and services required toevaluate a proposed facility.
(2) For the purpose of funding the state oversight and inspection of any waste transfer,storage, decay in storage, treatment, or disposal facility, and to establish state infrastructure,including, but not limited to providing for state Department of Environmental Quality, stateDepartment of Transportation, state Department of Public Safety, and other state agencies'technical, administrative, legal, infrastructure, maintenance, training, safety, socio-economic, lawenforcement, and emergency resources necessary to respond to these facilities, the owner oroperator shall pay to the state a fee as established by department rule under Section
63J-1-504, tobe assessed:
(a) per ton of storage cask and high level nuclear waste per year for storage, decay instorage, treatment, or disposal of high level nuclear waste;
(b) per ton of transportation cask and high level nuclear waste for each transfer of highlevel nuclear waste;
(c) per ton of storage cask and greater than class C radioactive waste for the storage,decay in storage, treatment, or disposal of greater than class C radioactive waste; and
(d) per ton of transportation cask and greater than class C radioactive waste for eachtransfer of greater than class C radioactive waste.
(3) Funds collected under Subsection (2) shall be placed in the Nuclear Accident andHazard Compensation Account, created in Subsection
(4) The owner or operator of the facility shall pay the fees imposed under this section tothe department on or before the 15th day of the month following the month in which the feeaccrued.
(5) Annual fees due under this part accrue on July 1 of each year and shall be paid to thedepartment by July 15 of that year.
Amended by Chapter 183, 2009 General Session