19-5-108. Discharge permits -- Requirements and procedure for issuance. (1) The board may prescribe conditions for and require the submission of plans,specifications, and other information to the executive secretary in connection with the issuance ofdischarge permits.
(2) Each discharge permit shall have a fixed term not exceeding five years. Uponexpiration of a discharge permit, a new permit may be issued by the executive secretary asauthorized by the board after notice and an opportunity for public hearing and upon condition thatthe applicant meets or will meet all applicable requirements of this chapter, including theconditions of any permit granted by the board.
(3) The board may require notice to the executive secretary of the introduction ofpollutants into publicly-owned treatment works and identification to the executive secretary of thecharacter and volume of any pollutant of any significant source subject to pretreatment standardsunder Subsection 307(b) of the federal Clean Water Act. The executive secretary shall providein the permit for compliance with pretreatment standards.
(4) The board may impose as conditions in permits for the discharge of pollutants frompublicly-owned treatment works appropriate measures to establish and insure compliance byindustrial users with any system of user charges required under this chapter or the rules adoptedunder it.
(5) The board may apply and enforce against industrial users of publicly-owned treatmentworks, toxic effluent standards and pretreatment standards for the introduction into the treatmentworks of pollutants which interfere with, pass through, or otherwise are incompatible with thetreatment works.
Amended by Chapter 114, 1995 General Session