19-5-113. Power of board to enter property for investigation -- Records and reportsrequired of owners or operators. (1) The board or its authorized representative has, after presentation of credentials, the authority to enter at reasonable times upon any private or public property for the purpose of:
(a) sampling, inspecting, or investigating matters or conditions relating to pollution orthe possible pollution of any waters of the state, effluents or effluent sources, monitoringequipment, or sewage sludge; and
(b) reviewing and copying records required to be maintained under this chapter.
(2) (a) The board may require a person managing sewage sludge, or the owner oroperator of a disposal system, including a system discharging into publicly owned treatmentworks, to:
(i) establish and maintain reasonable records and make reports relating to the operationof the system or the management of the sewage sludge;
(ii) install, use, and maintain monitoring equipment or methods;
(iii) sample, and analyze effluents or sewage sludges; and
(iv) provide other information reasonably required.
(b) The records, reports, and information shall be available to the public except asprovided in Subsection
19-1-306(2) or Subsections
63G-2-305(1) and (2), Government RecordsAccess and Management Act, as appropriate, for other than effluent information.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session