19-5-122. Underground wastewater disposal systems -- Fee imposed on newsystems. (1) Beginning July 1, 2001, a one-time fee is imposed on each new undergroundwastewater disposal system installed.
(2) (a) From July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002, the fee shall be $25.
(b) Beginning July 1, 2002, the fee shall be established by the department in accordancewith Section
(3) (a) The fee shall be paid when plans and specifications for the construction of a newunderground wastewater disposal system are approved by the local health department or theDepartment of Environmental Quality.
(b) A local health department shall remit the fee revenue to the Division of Financequarterly.
(4) The fee revenue shall be:
(a) deposited into the Underground Wastewater Disposal Restricted Account created inSection
19-5-123; and
(b) used to pay for costs of underground wastewater disposal system training programs.
Amended by Chapter 183, 2009 General Session