19-6-112. Notice of violations -- Order for correction -- Civil action to enforce. (1) Whenever the board determines that any person is in violation of any applicableapproved hazardous wastes operation plan or solid waste plan, the requirements of this part, orany of the board's rules, it may cause written notice of that violation to be served upon the allegedviolator. The notice shall specify the provisions of the plan, this part or rule alleged to have beenviolated, and the facts alleged to constitute the violation.
(2) The board may:
(a) issue an order requiring that necessary corrective action be taken within a reasonabletime; or
(b) request the attorney general or the county attorney in the county in which the violationis taking place to bring a civil action for injunctive relief and enforcement of this part.
(3) Pending promulgation of rules for corrective action under Section
19-6-105, the boardmay issue corrective action orders on a case-by-case basis, as necessary to carry out the purposesof this part.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 112, 1991 General Session