19-6-407. Underground storage tank registration -- Change of ownership oroperation -- Civil penalty. (1) (a) Each owner or operator of an underground storage tank shall register the tank withthe executive secretary if the tank:
(i) is in use; or
(ii) was closed after January 1, 1974.
(b) If a new person assumes ownership or operational responsibilities for an undergroundstorage tank, that person shall inform the executive secretary of the change within 30 days afterthe change occurs.
(c) Each installer of an underground storage tank shall notify the executive secretary ofthe completed installation within 60 days following the installation of an underground storagetank.
(2) The executive secretary may issue a notice of agency action assessing a civil penaltyin the amount of $1,000 if an owner, operator, or installer, of a petroleum or underground storagetank fails to register the tank or provide notice as required in Subsection (1).
(3) The penalties collected under authority of this section shall be deposited in thePetroleum Storage Tank Restricted Account created in Section
Amended by Chapter 172, 1997 General Session