19-6-427. Liability of any person under other laws -- Additional state andgovernmental immunity -- Exceptions. (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), nothing in this part affects or modifies in anyway:
(a) the obligations or liability of any person under any other provision of this part or stateor federal law, including common law, for damages, injury, or loss resulting from a release orsubstantial threat of a release of petroleum from an underground storage tank or a petroleumstorage tank; or
(b) the liability of any person for costs incurred except as provided in this part.
(2) In addition to the governmental immunity granted in Title 63G, Chapter 7,Governmental Immunity Act of Utah, the state and its political subdivisions are not liable foractions performed under this part except as a result of intentional misconduct or grossnegligence including reckless, willful, or wanton misconduct.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session