19-6-506. Schedule of fees -- Classification of property -- Collection of delinquentfees. (1) (a) The governing body of any public entity may by ordinance or resolution establisha schedule of fees to be imposed and assessed on property within its jurisdiction the revenue fromwhich shall be used for solid waste purposes.
(b) In establishing a schedule of fees, the governing body shall classify the propertywithin its jurisdiction based upon the character and volume of waste occurring from the variousproperty uses subject to this part.
(c) If the governing body makes solid waste facilities available to a public entity asprovided in Section
19-6-505, it shall charge a fee to that public entity, calculated in the sameway as fees assessed on property within the jurisdiction of the governing body.
(2) (a) The governing body may impose, assess, and collect a reasonable fee for eachclassification of property established and divide the property within its jurisdiction according tothe classifications.
(b) It may also establish classifications of property for which services may be providedfor no fee or a reduced fee and determine the eligibility requirements for inclusion in theclassifications upon application by property owners on a case-by-case basis.
(c) The governing body shall impose and assess the appropriate fee established for eachclassification and division of property by ordinance or resolution, and provide therein for thebilling and collection of the fees on an annual or more frequent basis as it shall determine to benecessary or appropriate.
(d) The ordinance or resolution may provide that the fees imposed and assessed may bebilled and collected by the county treasurer as a part of the regular, ad valorem property taxnotice, billing, and collection system of the county, if it is feasible to do so, unless the publicentity imposing and assessing the fees has an existing service or utility billing and collectionsystem which can be used for this purpose.
(3) County treasurers may include the fees certified to them pursuant to this part on thegeneral, ad valorem tax notice and collect and remit the fees in the manner and as a part of the taxcollection system including the collection of delinquent fees in the manner provided by law fortax delinquencies.
(4) Any governing body which uses the general property tax billing and collection systemof a county to bill and collect the fees imposed and assessed under this part shall reimburse thecounty for the actual costs thereof annually, which costs include the materials, equipment, andsupplies used and the labor involved plus a factor added for overhead and general andadministrative expenses.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 112, 1991 General Session