19-8-106. Rejection of application -- Notice to applicant -- Resubmissionprocedure. (1) The executive director may in his sole discretion reject an application prior toaccepting the application fee, and return the application fee to the applicant if:
(a) the executive director has reason to believe that a working relationship with theapplicant cannot be achieved; or
(b) the application site is not eligible under Section
(2) (a) The executive director may reject an application after processing the application ifthe executive secretary determines:
(i) the application is not complete or is not accurate; or
(ii) the applicant has not demonstrated financial capability to perform the voluntarycleanup.
(b) The applicant is not entitled to refund of an application fee for an application rejectedunder this Subsection (2).
(3) An application rejected under Subsection (1) or (2) shall be promptly returned to theapplicant with a letter of explanation.
(4) (a) If the executive director rejects an application because it is incomplete orinaccurate, the executive director shall, not later than 60 days after receipt of the application,provide to the applicant a list in writing of all information needed to make the applicationcomplete or accurate, as appropriate.
(b) The applicant may submit for a second time an application rejected due to inaccuracyor incompleteness without submitting an additional application fee.
Enacted by Chapter 247, 1997 General Session