20A-2-101.5. Convicted felons -- Restoration of right to vote and right to holdoffice. (1) As used in this section, "convicted felon" means a person convicted of a felony in anystate or federal court of the United States.
(2) Each convicted felon's right to register to vote and to vote in an election is restoredwhen:
(a) the felon is sentenced to probation;
(b) the felon is granted parole; or
(c) the felon has successfully completed the term of incarceration to which the felon wassentenced.
(3) Each convicted felon's right to hold elective office is restored when:
(a) all of the felon's felony convictions have been expunged; or
(b) (i) 10 years have passed since the date of the felon's most recent felony conviction;
(ii) the felon has paid all court-ordered restitution and fines; and
(iii) for each felony conviction that has not been expunged, the felon has:
(A) completed probation in relation to the felony;
(B) been granted parole in relation to the felony; or
(C) successfully completed the term of incarceration associated with the felony.
Amended by Chapter 28, 2006 General Session