20A-2-109. Statewide voter registration database -- Lieutenant governor to create-- Counties to participate -- List of incarcerated felons. (1) (a) (i) The lieutenant governor shall develop a statewide voter registration database.
(ii) (A) The lieutenant governor may compare the information in the statewide voterregistration database with information submitted by a registered voter to a state agency to identifya change in a registered voter's principal place of residence or name.
(B) The lieutenant governor shall establish matching criteria and security measures foridentifying a change described in Subsection (1)(a)(ii)(A) to ensure the accuracy of a voterregistration record.
(C) The lieutenant governor shall notify the county clerk of the county in which thevoter's principal place of residence is located of the change in the registered voter's principalplace of residence or name.
(b) Each county clerk shall utilize the statewide voter registration database whenrecording or modifying voter registration records.
(2) (a) The lieutenant governor shall maintain a current list of all incarcerated felons inUtah.
(b) (i) The Department of Corrections shall provide the lieutenant governor's office witha list of the name and last-known address of each person who:
(A) was convicted of a felony in a Utah state court; and
(B) is currently incarcerated for commission of a felony.
(ii) The lieutenant governor shall establish the frequency of receipt of the informationand the method of transmitting the information after consultation with the Department ofCorrections.
(c) (i) The Department of Corrections shall provide the lieutenant governor's office witha list of the name of each convicted felon who is no longer subject to the jurisdiction of thedepartment because the person has been released from incarceration.
(ii) The lieutenant governor shall establish the frequency of receipt of the informationand the method of transmitting the information after consultation with the Department ofCorrections.
Amended by Chapter 304, 2010 General Session