20A-2-304. County clerk's responsibilities -- Notice of disposition. Each county clerk shall:
(1) register to vote each applicant for registration who meets the requirements forregistration and who:
(a) submits a completed voter registration form to the county clerk on or before the voterregistration deadline;
(b) submits a completed voter registration form to the Driver License Division, a publicassistance agency, or a discretionary voter registration agency on or before the voter registrationdeadline; or
(c) mails a completed by-mail voter registration form to the county clerk on or before thevoter registration deadline; and
(2) send a notice to the voter informing the voter that:
(a) the voter's application for voter registration has been accepted and that the voter isregistered to vote;
(b) the voter's application for voter registration has been rejected and the reason for therejection; or
(c) the application for voter registration is being returned to the voter for further actionbecause the application is incomplete and giving instructions to the voter about how to properlycomplete the application.
Amended by Chapter 264, 2006 General Session