unaffiliated voter is authorized to vote, the poll worker shall proceed as required by Subsection(3).
(C) If the voter wishes to remain unaffiliated and does not wish to vote another ballotthat unaffiliated voters are authorized to vote, the poll worker shall instruct the voter that thevoter may not vote.
(iii) For the primary elections held in 2004, 2006, and 2008 only:
(A) If the voter is listed in the official register as "unaffiliated," or if the official registerdoes not affirmatively identify the voter as either "unaffiliated" or "affiliated" with a registeredpolitical party, the poll worker shall ask the voter if the voter wishes to affiliate with a registeredpolitical party, or remain "unaffiliated."
(B) If the voter wishes to affiliate with the registered political party whose ballot thevoter requested, the poll worker shall direct the voter to complete the change of party affiliationform and proceed as required by Subsection (3).
(C) If the voter wishes to remain unaffiliated and wishes to vote another registeredpolitical party ballot that the unaffiliated voter is authorized to vote, the poll worker shall proceedas required by Subsection (3).
(D) If the voter wishes to remain unaffiliated and does not wish to vote another ballotthat unaffiliated voters are authorized to vote, the poll worker shall instruct the voter that thevoter may not vote.
(3) If the poll worker determines that the voter is registered and eligible, underSubsection (2), to vote the ballot that the voter requested and:
(a) if the ballot is a paper ballot or a ballot sheet:
(i) the poll worker in charge of the official register shall:
(A) write the ballot number and the name of the registered political party whose ballotthe voter voted opposite the name of the voter in the official register; and
(B) direct the voter to sign the voter's name in the election column in the official register;
(ii) another poll worker shall list the ballot number and voter's name in the pollbook; and
(iii) the poll worker having charge of the ballots shall:
(A) endorse the voter's initials on the stub;
(B) check the name of the voter on the pollbook list with the number of the stub;
(C) hand the voter the ballot for the registered political party that the voter requested andfor which the voter is authorized to vote; and
(D) allow the voter to enter the voting booth; or
(b) if the ballot is an electronic ballot:
(i) the poll worker in charge of the official register shall direct the voter to sign thevoter's name in the official register;
(ii) another poll worker shall list the voter's name in the pollbook; and
(iii) the poll worker having charge of the ballots shall:
(A) provide the voter access to the electronic ballot for the registered political party thatthe voter requested and for which the voter is authorized to vote; and
(B) allow the voter to vote the electronic ballot.
(4) Whenever the election officer is required to furnish more than one kind of officialballot to the voting precinct, the poll workers of that voting precinct shall give the registeredvoter the kind of ballot that the voter is qualified to vote.
Amended by Chapter 197, 2010 General Session