20A-3-202. Challenges to a voter's eligibility -- Basis for challenge -- Procedures. (1) A person's right to vote may be challenged because:
(a) the voter is not the person whose name appears in the official register or under whichname the right to vote is claimed;
(b) the voter is not a resident of Utah;
(c) the voter is not a citizen of the United States;
(d) the voter has not or will not have resided in Utah for 30 days immediately before thedate of the election;
(e) the voter's principal place of residence is not in the voting precinct claimed;
(f) the voter's principal place of residence is not in the geographic boundaries of theelection area;
(g) the voter has already voted in the election;
(h) the voter is not at least 18 years of age;
(i) the voter is a convicted felon and the voter's right to vote in an election has not beenrestored under Section
20A-2-101.5; or
(j) in a regular primary election or in the Western States Presidential Primary, the voterdoes not meet the political party affiliation requirements for the ballot the voter seeks to vote.
(2) A person who challenges another person's right to vote at an election shall do soaccording to the procedures and requirements of:
(a) Section
20A-3-202.3, for challenges issued in writing more than 21 days before theday on which early voting commences; or
(b) Section
20A-3-202.5, for challenges issued in person at the time of voting.
Repealed and Re-enacted by Chapter 83, 2010 General Session