20A-3-305. Mailing of ballot to voter -- Enclose self-addressed envelope --Affidavit. (1) Upon timely receipt of an absentee voter application properly filled out and signed, oras soon after receipt of the application as the official absentee ballots for the voting precinct inwhich the applicant resides have been printed, the election officer shall either:
(a) give the applicant an official absentee ballot and envelope to vote in the office; or
(b) mail an official absentee ballot, postage paid, to the absentee voter and enclose anenvelope printed as required in Subsection (2).
(2) The election officer shall ensure that:
(a) the name, official title, and post office address of the election officer is printed on thefront of the envelope; and
(b) a printed affidavit in substantially the following form is printed on the back of theenvelope:
"County of ____ State of ____
I, ____, solemnly swear that: I am a qualified resident voter of the ____ voting precinct in____ County, Utah and that I am entitled to vote in that voting precinct at the next election. I amnot a convicted felon currently incarcerated for commission of a felony.
Signature of Absentee Voter"
(3) If the election officer determines that the absentee voter is required to show validvoter identification, the election officer shall:
(a) issue the voter a provisional ballot in accordance with Section
(b) instruct the voter to include a copy of the voter's valid voter identification with thereturn ballot;
(c) provide the voter clear instructions on how to vote a provisional ballot; and
(d) comply with the requirements of Subsection (2).
Amended by Chapter 197, 2010 General Session