20A-3-401. Intent and purpose of part. (1) Each election officer, election official, and judge shall liberally interpret and applythis part to:
(a) make it possible for Utah voters living or serving abroad to vote in county, state, andnational elections during their absence;
(b) enable these voters to register more conveniently;
(c) conform to 42 U.S.C. 1973ff, Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee VotingAct; and
(d) in accordance with Public Law 107-252, the Help America Vote Act of 2002, exemptoverseas and military voters from the identification requirements of Section
(2) The state selective service, all military organizations, and citizens and officers ofUtah or of the respective counties and municipalities of the state shall cooperate with the electionand party officers in carrying out the intent and purpose of this part.
(3) All state and county officers of Utah shall:
(a) do all things and perform all acts necessary to put into effect the provisions of anyAct of Congress or this state allowing uniformed and overseas citizen voters to vote; and
(b) permit the use of any official ballot authorized by any Act of Congress and this partas a ballot supplementary to the official Utah election military ballot.
(4) Each provision of this part prevails over any inconsistent provision of any otherstatute or any part of any statute.
Amended by Chapter 264, 2006 General Session