20A-3-403. Definitions. As used in this part:
(1) (a) "Ballot," "disabled voter's ballot" and "official Utah military ballot" means thesame ballots that will be submitted to and used by other voters of Utah at the primary or generalelection.
(b) "Ballot" includes any official federal ballot provided by any Act of Congress to allowvoting by voters in the military service of the United States.
(2) "Federal postcard application form" means the form created by the Federal VotingAssistance Program (FVAP) which allows military and overseas citizens to register to vote andapply for an absentee ballot.
(3) "Hostile fire zone" means a geographical area in which forces are assigned on officialtemporary duty and placed in imminent danger of being exposed to hostile fire or explosion ofhostile mines.
(4) "Military voter" means each person who is qualified as a voter under the UtahConstitution and laws or who is eligible for registration and who would, by registration, bequalified to vote, and who is:
(a) a member of the armed forces of the United States while in the active service or is thespouse or dependent of that member;
(b) a member of the merchant marine of the United States or is the spouse or dependentof that member;
(c) a civilian employee of the United States in all categories who is serving outside theterritorial limits of the United States whether or not the employee is subject to the civil servicelaws and the Classification Act of 1949, and whether or not the employee is paid from fundsappropriated by the Congress or is the spouse or dependent of that member when residing with oraccompanying them; and
(d) a member of religious groups or welfare agencies assisting members of the armedforces, who is officially attached to and serving with the armed forces, or is the spouse ordependent of that member.
(5) "Overseas citizen voter" means:
(a) a member of the armed forces of the United States while in the active service or thespouse or dependent of that member;
(b) a member of the merchant marines of the United States or the spouse or dependent ofthat member; and
(c) a citizen of the United States residing outside the territorial limits of the United Statesor the spouse or dependent of that member when residing with them or accompanying them.
Amended by Chapter 273, 2006 General Session