20A-3-503. Influencing employee's vote. (1) It is unlawful for any corporation, or any officer or agent of any corporation, toinfluence, or attempt to influence, induce, or compel by force, violence, or restraint, or byinflicting or threatening to inflict any injury, damage, harm, or loss, or by discharging fromemployment or promoting in employment, or by intimidation, or in any manner whatever, anyemployee to vote or refrain from voting at any election provided by law, or to vote or refrain fromvoting for any particular person or measure at that election.
(2) (a) Any corporation or any officer or agent of that corporation who violates any of theprovisions of this section is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
(b) Any corporation violating any of the provisions of this section shall forfeit its charterand right to do business in this state in addition to any other penalties imposed by law.
Enacted by Chapter 1, 1993 General Session