20A-3-601. Early voting. (1) A person who is registered to vote may vote before the election date in accordancewith this section.
(2) (a) The early voting period shall begin on the date that is 14 days before the date ofthe election.
(b) Early voting shall continue through the Friday before the election if the election dateis a Tuesday.
(c) During the early voting period, the election officer:
(i) for a local special election, a municipal primary election, and a municipal generalelection:
(A) shall conduct early voting on a minimum of four days during each week of the earlyvoting period; and
(B) shall conduct early voting on the last day of the early voting period; and
(ii) for all other elections:
(A) shall conduct early voting on each weekday; and
(B) may elect to conduct early voting on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday.
(3) Except as specifically provided in this Part 6, Early Voting, early voting shall beadministered according to the requirements of this title.
Amended by Chapter 337, 2010 General Session