20A-6-101. General requirements for paper ballots. (1) Each election officer shall ensure that paper ballots:
(a) are printed on only one side of the paper;
(b) are printed using precisely the same quality and tint of plain white paper throughwhich the printing or writing cannot be seen;
(c) are printed using precisely the same quality and kind of type;
(d) are printed using precisely the same quality and tint of plain black ink;
(e) are uniform in size for all the voting precincts within the election officer'sjurisdiction;
(f) include, in elections where write-in voting is authorized, a write-in columnimmediately adjacent to the last column on the ballot that is long enough to contain as manywritten names of candidates as there are persons to be elected with:
(i) the offices to be filled printed above the blank spaces on the ticket; and
(ii) the words "Write-In Voting Column" printed at the head of the column without a 1/2inch circle.
(2) Whenever the vote for candidates is to be limited to the voters of a particular politicaldivision, the election officer shall ensure that the names of those candidates are printed only uponthose ballots provided to that political division.
Amended by Chapter 202, 2009 General Session