candidates, and one square with sides measuring not less than 1/4 of an inch in length printed onthe same side as but opposite a double bracket enclosing the two blank horizontal lines; and
(ii) the words "Write-In Voting Column" printed at the head of the column without a 1/2inch circle;
(n) when required, the ballot includes a nonpartisan ticket placed immediately adjacent tothe write-in ticket with the word "NONPARTISAN" in reverse type in an 18-point solid rulerunning vertically the full length of the nonpartisan ballot copy; and
(o) constitutional amendments or other questions submitted to the vote of the people, areprinted on the ballot after the list of candidates.
(2) Each election officer shall ensure that:
(a) each person nominated by any political party or group of petitioners is placed on theballot:
(i) under the party name and emblem, if any; or
(ii) under the title of the party or group as designated by them in their certificates ofnomination or petition, or, if none is designated, then under some suitable title;
(b) the names of all unaffiliated candidates that qualify as required in Title 20A, Chapter9, Part 5, Candidates not Affiliated with a Party, are placed on the ballot;
(c) the names of the candidates for president and vice president are used on the ballotinstead of the names of the presidential electors; and
(d) the ballots contain no other names.
(3) When the ballot contains a nonpartisan section, the election officer shall ensure that:
(a) the designation of the office to be filled in the election and the number of candidatesto be elected are printed in type not smaller than eight-point;
(b) the words designating the office are printed flush with the left-hand margin;
(c) the words, "Vote for one" or "Vote for two or more" extend to the extreme right ofthe column;
(d) the nonpartisan candidates are grouped according to the office for which they arecandidates;
(e) the names in each group are placed in alphabetical order with the surnames last,except for candidates for the State Board of Education and local school boards;
(f) the names of candidates for the State Board of Education are placed on the ballot ascertified by the lieutenant governor under Section 20A-14-105;
(g) if candidates for membership on a local board of education were selected in a primaryelection, the name of the candidate who received the most votes in the primary election is listedfirst on the ballot;
(h) if candidates for membership on a local board of education were not selected in theprimary election, the names of the candidates are listed on the ballot in the order determined by alottery conducted by the county clerk; and
(i) each group is preceded by the designation of the office for which the candidates seekelection, and the words, "Vote for one" or "Vote for two or more," according to the number to beelected.
(4) Each election officer shall ensure that:
(a) proposed amendments to the Utah Constitution are listed on the ballot in accordancewith Section 20A-6-107;
(b) ballot propositions submitted to the voters are listed on the ballot in accordance with
Section 20A-6-107; and
(c) bond propositions that have qualified for the ballot are listed on the ballot under thetitle assigned to each bond proposition under Section 11-14-206.
Amended by Chapter 202, 2009 General Session