20A-6-401.1. Ballots for partisan municipal primary elections. (1) If a municipality is using paper ballots, each election officer shall ensure that:
(a) all paper ballots furnished for use at the regular primary election:
(i) are perforated to separate the candidates of one political party from those of the otherpolitical parties so that the voter may separate the part of the ballot containing the names of thepolitical party of the voter's choice from the rest of the ballot;
(ii) have sides that are perforated so that the outside sections of the ballot, whendetached, are similar in appearance to the inside sections of the ballot when detached; and
(iii) contain no captions or other endorsements except as provided in this section;
(b) the names of all candidates from each party are listed on the same ballot in one ormore columns under their party name and emblem;
(c) the political parties are printed on the ballot in the order determined by the countyclerk;
(d) (i) the ballot contains a ballot stub that is at least one inch wide, placed across the topof the ballot;
(ii) the ballot number and the words "Poll Worker's Initials ____" are printed on the stub;and
(iii) ballot stubs are numbered consecutively;
(e) immediately below the perforated ballot stub, the following endorsements are printedin 18-point bold type:
(i) "Official Primary Ballot for ____ County, Utah";
(ii) the date of the election; and
(iii) a facsimile of the signature of the county clerk and the words "county clerk";
(f) after the facsimile signature, the political party emblem and the name of the politicalparty are printed;
(g) after the party name and emblem, the ballot contains the following printed in notsmaller than ten-point bold face, double leaded type: "Instructions to Voters: To vote for acandidate, place a cross (X) in the square immediately adjacent to the name of the person forwhom you wish to vote and in no other place. Do not vote for any candidate listed under morethan one party or group designation.", followed by two one-point parallel horizontal rules;
(h) after the rules, the designation of the office for which the candidates seek nominationis printed flush with the left-hand margin and the words: "Vote for one" or "Vote for two ormore" are printed to extend to the extreme right of the column in ten-point bold type, followed bya hair-line rule;
(i) after the hair-line rule, the names of the candidates are printed in heavy face typebetween lines or rules 3/8 inch apart, alphabetically according to surnames with surnames lastand grouped according to the office that they seek;
(j) a square with sides not less than 1/4 inch long is printed immediately adjacent to thenames of the candidates;
(k) the candidate groups are separated from each other by one light and one heavy line orrule; and
(l) the nonpartisan candidates are listed as follows:
(i) immediately below the listing of the party candidates, the word "NONPARTISAN" isprinted in reverse type in an 18-point solid rule that extends the full width of the type copy of theparty listing above; and
(ii) below "NONPARTISAN," the office, the number of candidates to vote for, thecandidate's name, the voting square, and any other necessary information is printed in the samestyle and manner as for party candidates.
(2) (a) If a municipality is using ballot sheets or electronic ballots, the election officermay require that:
(i) the ballot, or ballot label in the case of a punch card ballot, for a regular primaryelection consist of several groups of pages or display screens, so that a separate group can beused to list the names of candidates seeking nomination of each qualified political party, withadditional groups used to list candidates for other nonpartisan offices;
(ii) the separate groups of pages or display screens are identified by color or othersuitable means; and
(iii) the ballot or ballot label contain instructions that direct the voter how to vote theballot.
(b) If a municipality is using ballot sheets or electronic ballots, each election officershall:
(i) for municipalities using punch card ballots, ensure that the ballot label provides ameans for the voter to designate the political party in whose primary the voter is voting; and
(ii) determine the order for printing the names of the political parties on the ballot label.
Amended by Chapter 202, 2009 General Session