20A-7-402. Local voter information pamphlet -- Contents -- Limitations --Preparation -- Statement on front cover. (1) The county or municipality that is the subject of an initiative, referendum, or otherballot proposition shall prepare a local voter information pamphlet that meets the requirements ofthis part.
(2) (a) The arguments for and against initiatives and referenda shall conform to therequirements of this section.
(i) Persons wishing to prepare arguments for and against an initiative, referendum, orother ballot proposition shall file a request with the local legislative body at least 50 days beforethe election at which the proposed measure is to be voted upon.
(ii) If more than one person or group requests the opportunity to prepare arguments for oragainst any measure, the governing body shall make the final designation according to thefollowing criteria:
(A) sponsors have priority in making the argument for a measure; and
(B) members of the local legislative body have priority over others.
(iii) The arguments in favor of the measure shall be prepared by the sponsors, whether ofthe local legislative body or of a voter or voter group, but not more than five names shall appearas sponsors.
(iv) The arguments against the measure shall be prepared by opponents from among thelocal legislative body, if any, or from among voters requesting permission of the local legislativebody to prepare these arguments.
(v) The arguments may not exceed 500 words in length.
(vi) The arguments supporting and opposing any county or municipal measure shall befiled with the local clerk not less than 45 days before the election at which they are to be votedupon.
(b) The local voter information pamphlet shall include a copy of the initial fiscal impactestimate prepared for each initiative under Section
(3) (a) In preparing the local voter information pamphlet, the local legislative body shall:
(i) ensure that the arguments are printed on the same sheet of paper upon which theproposed measure is also printed;
(ii) ensure that the following statement is printed on the front cover or the heading of thefirst page of the printed arguments:
"The arguments for or against the proposed measure(s) are the opinions of the authors.";
(iii) pay for the printing and binding of the local voter information pamphlet; and
(iv) ensure that the local clerk distributes the pamphlets either by mail or carrier not lessthan eight days before the election at which the measures are to be voted upon.
(b) (i) If the proposed measure exceeds 500 words in length, the local legislative bodymay direct the local clerk to summarize the measure in 500 words or less.
(ii) The summary shall state where a complete copy of the measure is available for publicreview.
Amended by Chapter 170, 2008 General Session