20A-7-501. Initiatives. (1) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(b), a person seeking to have an initiativesubmitted to a local legislative body or to a vote of the people for approval or rejection shallobtain legal signatures equal to:
(i) 10% of all the votes cast in the county, city, or town for all candidates for governor atthe last election at which a governor was elected if the total number of votes exceeds 25,000;
(ii) 12-1/2% of all the votes cast in the county, city, or town for all candidates forgovernor at the last election at which a governor was elected if the total number of votes does notexceed 25,000 but is more than 10,000;
(iii) 15% of all the votes cast in the county, city, or town for all candidates for governorat the last election at which a governor was elected if the total number of votes does not exceed10,000 but is more than 2,500;
(iv) 20% of all the votes cast in the county, city, or town for all candidates for governorat the last election at which a governor was elected if the total number of votes does not exceed2,500 but is more than 500;
(v) 25% of all the votes cast in the county, city, or town for all candidates for governor atthe last election at which a governor was elected if the total number of votes does not exceed 500but is more than 250; and
(vi) 30% of all the votes cast in the county, city, or town for all candidates for governorat the last election at which a governor was elected if the total number of votes does not exceed250.
(b) In addition to the signature requirements of Subsection (1)(a), a person seeking tohave an initiative submitted to a local legislative body or to a vote of the people for approval orrejection in a county, city, or town where the local legislative body is elected from councildistricts shall obtain, from each of a majority of council districts, legal signatures equal to thepercentages established in Subsection (1)(a).
(2) If the total number of certified names from each verified signature sheet equals orexceeds the number of names required by this section, the clerk or recorder shall deliver theproposed law to the local legislative body at its next meeting.
(3) (a) The local legislative body shall either adopt or reject the proposed law withoutchange or amendment within 30 days of receipt of the proposed law.
(b) The local legislative body may:
(i) adopt the proposed law and refer it to the people;
(ii) adopt the proposed law without referring it to the people; or
(iii) reject the proposed law.
(c) If the local legislative body adopts the proposed law but does not refer it to thepeople, it is subject to referendum as with other local laws.
(d) (i) If a county legislative body rejects a proposed county ordinance or amendment, ortakes no action on it, the county clerk shall submit it to the voters of the county at the nextregular general election.
(ii) If a local legislative body rejects a proposed municipal ordinance or amendment, ortakes no action on it, the municipal recorder or clerk shall submit it to the voters of themunicipality at the next municipal general election.
(e) (i) If the local legislative body rejects the proposed ordinance or amendment, or takesno action on it, the local legislative body may adopt a competing local law.
(ii) The local legislative body shall prepare and adopt the competing local law within the30 days allowed for its action on the measure proposed by initiative petition.
(iii) If the local legislative body adopts a competing local law, the clerk or recorder shallsubmit it to the voters of the county or municipality at the same election at which the initiativeproposal is submitted.
(f) If conflicting local laws are submitted to the people at the same election and two ormore of the conflicting measures are approved by the people, then the measure that receives thegreatest number of affirmative votes shall control all conflicts.
Amended by Chapter 324, 2010 General Session